Raider Environments - My goal with Raider was to create a vibrant and colourful universe for the player to explore. Planets were more than just under scaled spheres hanging in space, they provided a diverse range of strange alien environments for the player to encounter, with multi-layered depth. Despite their small scale, player ships would remain distinct in this dense environment with their colourful smoke trails.

The mood board above was created as part of the concept development for a game pitch. The game was a reboot of a 90's shooter, reinvigorated with a stylish, cinematic vibe. I wanted to combine some nostalgic elements, referencing films like Assault on Precinct 13, Die Hard, Robocop, alongside more up to date references like The Tower, and Drive. Each location would have a distinct identity, re-enforced by it's colour palette, and a memorable cast of characters.

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